Senin, 20 September 2010


Moshimoshi :) It's been a long time since i posted anything on this,rite?
Padahal waktu ngucapin sumpah pertama pmbuatan blog janji bakal rajin ngpost, but i broke the promise.
Sorry, hehe

Actually i dont know what to share bcoz sometimes i felt there's no something interesting happened to me at a few months ago.
Yaa kecuali 'the big point' is i got best mark for this term.
Yes, my GPA(nilai IP) was 3,9 *a-very-big-smile-on-my-face
And also finally I ca
n get the scholarship :)
Kelihatan sprti gak ada masalah yaa sama hidupku?! Mungkin iya(walaupn sedikit) terutama utk urusan kuliahku. Semua emg baik2 saja.
Gak banyak yg bisa ku ingat lagi setelah itu, sampai tibanya bulan ini.
Im in 3rd term now.
Dan dunia kuliah sebenarnya yg slama ini ada dipikiranku seperti ada di semester ini. Kita dituntut utk menjadi 'mahasiswa' sebenarnya.
Bukan sprti yg slama ini kita jalani di semester" lalu terutama aku, kita cuma bermodal mndengarkan dosen dgn baik, pass the exam, get the result n thats all.
Kita dituntut utk lebih kritis, lebih utk tdk hanya sekedar hanya menerima kuliahan.
Tugas" yg bobotnya terasa semakin berat, krn lbh perlu analisis yg oke dari kita.
Aku blm bisa mendeskripsikannya dgn kata yg lebih baik lagi, yg pasti thats getting me 'excited'

Walaupun masih sering jenuh sama tugas yg kayak gadak akhirnya, but i really enjoy it.
Rasanya tertantang aja, hehe.
*sok oke

Okay okay enough talking about it, bcoz i can hear you said 'huh,stop it' :D
Hemm, so whats now?
My love life??
There was a special moment in this month.
(17sept09) Remembering the day that we two became one. Our 1st anniversary ♥

But we didnt do some special thing for celebrate it.
He picked me up at 7pm and we just had a (quick) dinner.

Thats all??
Yeah, thats it :)
But u dont know how happy i am.
Karna itu pertama kalinya aku bisa ketemu dia lagi stelah satu bulan lebih mungkin gak ketemu.
We dont have a LDR, we often do that. Dont meet up almost one month or maybe more.
My friends always said that i must be aware, bcoz maybe my bf has a love-affair out there.
Hahaha Stupid!!
Klo dipikir rasional sih, krn emg jadi kesempatan besar utk melakukan affair, tapi aku tau dia bukan tipe yg seperti itu.
Ntah knp juga aku sgt yakin dgn hal ini.
Gak jarang jg teman" bilang klo itu konyol. Tapi lebih konyol mereka sprtinya yg hrus ketemu setiap hari.
Oh come on, It seems like 'highschool's style', budd...
Walaupn kdg ak mikir juga,1 month?wow, It sounds crazy... But i cant do anything, i cant force him to meet me. I just cant.
I think if he dont ask me to meet up, thats bcoz he dont want meet me at the time. Or maybe he's busy. I just keep my mind on it.
,Im a person who cant show my feeling easily for others even him. It maked me so unpredictable.
He dont ever know that i felt hurt, i felt empty if it happened. But like i said b4 i cant reject it. I cant.
I just want him comfort with me, if it make him better why not :)

But can you imagine if that 'one month' happened?
I miss him everyday, everytime, n everywhere. My mind filled with him. His name running through in my head n heart.*sounds lebay? But its the fact.
And its happen even im so busy. Idk that he feel the same way too, but i don't think so :( Im just waiting, waiting, n waiting till' he ask me for a date. Nah, kebayang kan gimana senagnya aku waktu ketemu dia walaupn hanya dnner yg singkat. Rasanya 'sebulan terburuk' itu terbayarkan sudah. IMPAS!!
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23th Sept 2010 -> My super favorite mom's Bday !! Yeayy.... I'll give her a special bday gift (I promise it) Tapi aku harus siap tanpa uang jajan selama seminggu, atau bahkan lebih?? But it doesnt matter i think :)

Love yaa,